An RGB LED is basically an LED (Light Emitting Diode) which has multiple anodes, each capable of outputting a different colour, in this case Red, Green or Blue, hence the 'RGB'. There are different types of RGB LED's, but I went for the 5mm 'water clear' type, with 4 legs and a common cathode. A "common cathode" just means one of the legs acts as a single cathode for all the anodes, of which there are 3. One anode controls the Red output of the LED, another controls the Green, and the third controls the Blue. It's easiest to imagine this type of RGB LED as three separate coloured LED's rolled into one, and all the cathodes twisted together to form a single leg. Sticking with this analogy, it's worth mentioning that just like single LED's, each portion of this LED requires it's own current limiting resistor. There was no information included with the ones I bought, so I took a 'guesstimate' that a 330 ohm resistor should do the trick. It's common for the different elements of RGB LED's to require different value resistors to maintain a consistent brightness across the colour range, but that's way beyond the scope of this experiment.
It's also worth noting that 'common anode' versions are available, in which a single leg provides the power to the LED, and the user switches each cathode to ground in order to receive an output. I am assuming a single current limiting resistor is required for that type, but I could be wrong, so it's something I've made a note of to research at some point in the future. Anyway, onto the circuit...
As you can see, it's super-simple. The cathode leg is connected straight to the RPi ground, and each anode is connected directly to a GPIO pin, through a 330 ohm resistor. (Note: a 58 ohm resistor found it's way into my 330 ohm tray, and the LED didn't like it. At all. In fact, it paid the ultimate price in the name of science).
So, I wrote a very basic routine to make sure all three colours worked...
...and then embarked on a journey to make some kind of user-controllable action happen from within a Python program.
After a while, I had a basic program running which let the user choose which colour was output from the LED, with the ability to choose between Red, Green, Blue and a number of combinations of the three. Some of the colours were more overpowering than others - for example, Red and Green together created a darker Green, rather than the Yellow/Brown it should have. This relates to the resistor values and brightness intensity I talked about earlier. I could have spent some time changing resistance values to achieve better results (and I might do that one day), but this exercise was more about program control than colour accuracy. As expected, setting all three outputs on resulted in a 'white' output. Sort of.
Here is a short video of the experiment in action...
It's worth mentioning here that the output brightness of the LED can also be affected by varying the input voltage. So for example, feeding the Red anode with 3 volts will yield a much stronger Red glow than if you fed it with 1.5 volts. This is usually how you obtain a much wider range of colours - by varying the voltages supplied to each pin of the LED. Unfortunately, the GPIO pins of the RPi are either on or off (3.3V or 0V), so controlling the voltage fed to the LED isn't possible without third party hardware, or a complicated hack of components. So my next experiment will involve rapidly turning the RPi outputs on and off, hopefully simulating the effect of feeding the LED with a lower voltage. I don't expect it to be effective (or even work for that matter), but it's the finding out that counts.
For science, right?