Well Tank has only been on ice a few days and I'm already itching to learn new stuff. One of the major issues I faced when writing Tank was the choice between single player and multiplayer. As it happens, in that instance multiplayer won out.
Now I feel an overwhelming urge to learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can be used in a single player game scenario. After researching for only an hour, I am coming to realise that this is a huge, complex subject, and even the simplest AI routines are going to take some serious thinking about.
Before I can even start playing with AI, I need to create a platform upon which to graphically display the results of the routines. Looking at a list of numbers never excited me like watching something moving around on screen. So I wrote a small program that displays a flat floor and a 3D object, and lets the user move the camera around by using the mouse. The camera remains pointing at the 3D object, and stays a set distance from it, but this distance can be altered by using the mouse scroll wheel, a kind of zoom in/out setup. It's pretty rudimentary, but eventually it will have variables that define mouse sensitivity, zoom speed, etc... It already has minimum and maximum zoom levels, and ceiling and floor limits.
A while back, I was talking to a friend about AI routines and single player game design in general, and it turns out that he studied game design as part of his university degree. Not so much the coding side, but the overall game design itself. So I brought the subject up again last night, and managed to blag some of his basic 3D models to play around with. I find that having "characters" to play with rather than just basic cubes gives a little more incentive and inspiration when working.
So I'm working with Tom "Cypher" Joyce at the moment on this project, with him providing models and ideas while I'm trying to implement that into code. Tom is using Maya to build the models then exporting them to Google Sketchup then sending me the file. I am then resizing and reorientating them to suit the game world and exporting from Sketchup into a DirectX format that can be imported directly into DBPro. Right now there is a "soldier" on the map who can't move, turn, die, can't do anything really. But I can use the mouse to move the camera around him.
He looks a bit dull and uninteresting sat there, but there is no lighting applied yet, and that makes all the difference. I have some ideas about the AI routines, but I am already approaching a massive challenge, and that is how to work out the position of the mouse pointer with relation to the world floor. That sounds ridiculous really but let me explain; if the world was going to be completely flat then there wouldn't be an issue at all. A simple call to "mousex" and "mousey" would return the position of the mouse pointer. But I don't intend to keep the floor flat for long, this isn't Tank. When the floor really is 3D and has raised and lowered areas then it is going to be a LOT harder to work out where the mouse is pointing, all because of that extra dimension. To put it another way, look at your mouse now. You can move it left and right (x axis) you can move it forwards and backwards (y axis), you can move it diagonally (combination of x and y axes) but imagine if you could lift the mouse up off the desk. I need to work out the position of it there (albeit virtually) and do it in real time.
So before I even start to think about AI routines, the next wall is already in front of me - how to use a 2D input device to provide accurate input to a 3D application?
The next few days could be interesting...
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