Thursday, 29 March 2012

Still undecided

I'm still on the fence about which project to aim for, a "resource management" type game (which I've traditionally been crap at, other than Deuteros for the Amiga...) or a "platformer" style game which I've always liked, but never attempted to write.

In my last blog entry, I posted some pictures of ideas I'd been kicking around in Paintshop, and I went on to do some base routines which involved sprite positioning and overlap detection etc, using those graphics. As I was still not committed to that project, I threw together some graphics for the platformer, and they came out like this...

...which as you've probably guessed is a series of frames from a character animation. As yet, I'm not sure if that  would be the main character, or just an NPC (non-player character). Incidentally, here's how it looks animated - I know it's not too smooth, it only has 8 frames...

...and that is my first ever attempt (as far as I can remember) at sprite-based character animation.

Sooooooo, I'm still on the fence about which project to go for. Either way, I have a 4 day LAN-party rapidly approaching, so I doubt I'll be doing much coding then. Having said that, the last time I was stuck with a networking issue, an abundance of Magners helped me out...