Thursday, 26 January 2012

Episode 1 complete!

After a little more tinkering and the addition of some graphics and music, I'm proud to announce that Zommers! (Episode 1) is a fully playable game!

It started life as an experimental Artificial Intelligence pathfinding routine, and evolved into something playable. OK, it's not ground-breaking, but it's not bad for a months work. So without giving anything away (because I want you to play it and find out for yourself) here is a sneak peek at the title screen...

...fear my awesome Paintshop skills! Or something.

Anyway, the game comes in a zip file and doesn't need to be installed, just unzip the file and double-click the Zommers.exe to play.

It does require that Microsoft DirectX is installed, but if you don't already have that then, well, you should.

Have fun with it, but don't take it too seriously. It's only a hobby ;)

I already have an idea for my next project, I'll keep you updated.