But I did manage to get a few hours in this evening. And in those hours I have managed to get a bare bones scratchpad working. I loosely threw together some test code in order to check out object sizes, camera heights, a couple of automated calculations etc, and it looked like this...
...and then after food and a shower managed to get another hour or so on it, and it now looks like this...
...and I know it doesn't look like much, but...
- The player character (Green square) can be controlled by the user in 8 directions
- Travelling diagonally moves the same speed as vertically or horizontally (quite tricky to achieve)
- The player cannot move outside of set boundaries (by mathematical checking, rather than collision detection)
- The base is easily scalable - change two parameters and everything else adjusts automagically
Next, I intend to introduce a single NPC entity and see if I can get it chasing the Green square, er, I mean "Player". Alas, I'm back to work tomorrow so much like today, daytime coding is not happening. Just this minute I had an idea for something, so I'm off to make a note of it. Until next time, I bid you farewell.
Or something.
Edit: Yes, I noticed the spelling mistake in the program. The question is, did you? ;)