Each Zommer starts with a health value of 10, and this can be decreased until it reaches 0, in which case the Zommer is deleted. The colour of the model is also directly linked to its health status - if the health is good, the model appears bright Red, as the health decreases then the model gets darker and darker until it is eventually destroyed - of course the darker it gets, the harder it will be to see once I sort out some lighting routines...
You might ask how the Zommers even lose health in the first place? Well, I have implemented a crude system of bullets, meaning the player can "fire" at the Zommers. This was originally thrown together just for testing purposes, but (as with most things I seem to do on these projects) I think it will get developed into a usable routine. At the moment there is unlimited ammo and a constant rate of fire.
Here's a pic...
(as usual, click to enlarge)
So here you can see I'm aiming (badly) and firing at the Zommers who are trying to get to me by finding their way around the obstacles. You will notice that some Zommers are a darker shade of Red than others, and these are the ones that I've managed to hit a few times.
There are only 46 Zommers in that picture, I've killed 4. That's because I'm an awesome shot. *Ahem*.
So I'm not exactly sure what to do next. Something to do with limiting the amount of ammo, or controlling the rate of fire probably.
I'll keep you updated :)